Monday, January 20, 2025

Store Hours

Mon - Fri 8:00 - 6:00
Sat - 8:00 - 5:00
Sun Closed
Voice 940-644-5459
Fax 940-644-5538

New Location
204 S State Hiway 101
Chico, Tx 76431

Parts Store

Chico Auto Parts has partnered with Parts Plus to deliver the best product for the best price. The parts side of our business is not just for automotive as we source what ever your needs may be. We have found parts for Model T Fords, Agriculture equipment, Trailers large and small, Heavy Duty Trucks, along with industrial equipment, and let us not forget the oilfield industry. We believe that all companies have needs that are specific to them and we will do what it takes to meet those needs so your company can be efficient with respect to labor and parts acquisition.