Monday, January 20, 2025

Store Hours

Mon - Fri 8:00 - 6:00
Sat - 8:00 - 5:00
Sun Closed
Voice 940-644-5459
Fax 940-644-5538

New Location
204 S State Hiway 101
Chico, Tx 76431

Repair Service

Chico Auto Parts Service Center can repair your vehicle with trained technicians using some of the latest technology available to us. Todays cars are complicated and repairing that vehicle requires knowledge of how technology has been used to make your vehicle perform at its maximum efficiency. Our staff will listen to your issues and solve the problems to make your vehicle run properly. We also do repair work on trailers, heavy duty trucks, tractors, motorhomes, and just about anything that runs on gas, diesel, or propane. We do oil changes, brake jobs, tune ups, wheel bearings, engine diagnostics, transmission service, differential repair, Engine or transmission replacement, or just about anything mechanical or electrical on your vehicle.

Hazmat Service

Chico Auto Parts has completed the requirements by the State Of Texas for Hazmat Cleanup Services. We have done clean ups for The State of Texas Department of Public Safety, local law enforcement agencies, local fire departments, and oil field companies in the North Texas area. We have the equipment and personnel to do Environmental remediation of your site. With our experience crew your needs will be addressed and handled in a professional matter providing you with documentation that shows what was done, how the contaminant was disposed of. We also will do soil samples if required and provide the test results of the samples along with pictures of site contamination before the clean up and after. Please call if you have any questions just call.

Tow Service

Chico Auto Parts also does vehicle towing for all vehicle, light and heavy duty, equipment, storage buildings or what ever you may need to have moved. We can serve your needs where ever you may be, as we ever you may be as we have been to the East Coast, the West coast along with the US northern border, and southern tip of Texas. We have hauled old vehicles, sports cars that were 2" off the ground, Ag-equipment, Oil field equipment, industrial belting, electrical transformers, storage buildings, oil derricks, and believe it out not a bridge. So no matter what your needs we will be happy to take of them. Just remember "You Call We Haul"


Our impound lot is controlled by the Texas Department of Licensing and Weights (TDLR) and the link to their web site is where you will find requirements for vehicle release under item 85.710. With in this for vehicle owners living in Wise County Texas it is required that we release the vehicle with a minimum of two identifications one being that you are the owner of the vehicle with documentation from the State of Texas stating such or have in your possession the title for said vehicle plus a current photo ID. There are many different circumstances that can change these requirements and it is best for you to read the documentation for your self to see what information you are required to have for us to release the vehicle to you. The TDLR also controls the fees that are charged against vehicles towed to the storage facility while some of these are easy to figure we suggest you read the documentation or call our office for the charges prior to coming.